
添加时间:2022/5/13 20:51:59





2021年6月     博士毕业于中国科学院大学流体力学专业

2021.08–至今   河北大学 建筑工程学院 教授(低职高聘)



   研究生:多孔介质渗流力学 、文献阅读与写作


  1. Xiaokang Guo*; Runcong Liu; Xiaodong Wang. Self‐Regulation Mechanisms in Porous Media: The Origin of the Diversity of Fluid Displacement Patterns[J]. Water Resources Research, 2023, 59(2): e2022WR033443(SCI Q1).

  2. Xiaokang Guo*; Huan Yan; Hongshuai Liu. New insights into the Haines jump in immiscible two-phase flow displacement[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(1): 013311(SCI Q1).

  3. Huan Yan, Wang Xingguang, Hongshuai Liu, Xiaokang Guo*. Effects of displacement velocity on interfacial reconstruction events during immiscible two-phase displacement[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(12)(SCI Q1).

  4. Xiaokang Guo, Runcong Liu, Xiaodong Wang*, et al. Two phase flow simulation for distinguishing deformable particles with a LiMCA system [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling 88 (2020) 106–121(SCI Q1).

  5. Xiaokang Guo, Runcong Liu, Xiaodong Wang*, et al. 3D actual microstructure-based modeling of non-isothermal infiltration behavior and void formation in liquid composite molding [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling 94 (2021)388-402.3(SCI Q1).

  6. Xiaokang Guo, Runcong Liu, Xiaodong Wang*. Pore-scale modeling of wettability effects on infiltration behavior in liquid composite molding[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 29(6): 062104(SCI Q1).

  7. Xiaokang Guo, Xiaodong Wang*. The impact of flow displacement patterns on hydraulic tortuosity for unsaturated flow[J]. Physics of Fluids 33, 023308 (2021)(SCI Q1).

  8. Fuhai wang, Hongjian Cao, Xiaokang Guo, Xiaodong Wang*. A signal analysis and identification scheme for an online multiphase micron-sized particle analyzer system [J]. Measurement Science and Technology(SCI Q2).


1. 河北大学高层次人才引进项目521100221059,超临界CO2/盐水体系的毛细管捕获机制研究2021.10—-2024.10在研50主持

2. 河北省自然科学基金青年项目(E2024201039):基于最小熵产生原理的两相驱替微观渗流机理研究,2024.01-2026.125万,在研,主持

3教育部产学合作协同育人项目,231101094072522,机器视觉技术在岩土体渗流教学中的应用培训,2023.11-2024.12, 在研,2万,主持

4. 河北大学科研创新团队项目, IT2023C04, 岩土与道路多灾害防控, 2023.01 – 2025.12, 20/参与


   Email: guoxiaokang17@mails.ucas.ac.cn

